October 1, 2017
Dear Parents,
September was a busy month with focus on welcoming and welcoming back families to our school, as well as acclimating the children to their classrooms, peers and teachers. Overall, the school is humming and children are actively making their learning environment their own. As expected, a few children are still fully separating and becoming comfortable at school. Giving them the time to go through this process will be beneficial to all involved.
Thank you to the Parent Group for hosting the Family Picnic in Seton Park. Our Giftwrap Fundraiser is underway and this past Friday we enjoyed our first of the year “All School Sing”. (The Two’s will particpate in a few weeks.)
October is here and it finally feels like fall outside! Please remember that we do not celebrate holidays. Please do not send children to school in costume or with treats. In lieu of holiday discussions, classroom activities will center around the fall season. Look for lots of apples and pumpkins that will be used for cooking, exploring, experimentation, mathematics and language development. And surely the changing colors of the leaves will be the topic of discoveries and discussion. I am sure that a walk or two to Brust Park will happen soon.
We look forward to our first of the year Yoga classes next week. Parent-teacher conferences are coming up this month. Day conferences for all classes will be held on Wednesday, October 25 (Thursday, October 26 for T-Th 2’s) and with the exception of Paola’s PKA Class, there is no school for the children on the class conference day. More information about evening conferences and about signing up for conferences will be available soon. Please remember that in addition to scheduled “formal” conferences, teachers and administrators will always make a time to chat when requested by a parent.
If you have or you know of a family with an infant or toddler, we now have both infant and toddler classes in our Toddler Program. Please contact the office for more information.
Please watch for interesting and informative articles posted here and on the Parents page of our website. This month’s article is about the importance of giving children time to play.
We look forward to a productive and playful October with your children.
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