Dear RNSFC Families,
Welcome! The 2021-2022 School year is about to begin, and the staff and I are eager to start a journey of learning and exploring with you and your children. We look forward to meeting you and your child at our virtual Parent Evening on September 9th and Meet and Greet on September 10th (details to follow).
As you know, at RNSFC we are thoughtful and intentional about separation. We see separation as a process and view each child and family as unique in this process. We encourage parents to be patient and promise that allowing children to build trust with their teachers will have significant, positive long term results. Let’s work together to form a partnership between your child’s significant adults and his or her education team.
Please take the time to read the following article about separation. Nancy Balaban is on the faculty in the Bank Street Graduate School of Education. She is the author of “Early Goodbyes: Starting School and Early Care-A Guide to the Separation Process.
Easing the Separation Process for Infants, Toddlers, and Families
We are looking forward to a productive and exciting year of learning and growth with your children.