About Our Spaces
RNSFC is housed in 6,600 square feet of space specifically designed as a preschool. Classrooms are spacious and all spaces are light-filled and welcoming. Children’s creations adorn the community art wall and our 2,000 book children’s library invites students to get cozy with a book. Our large children’s bathroom was designed to promote independence, and many school-made treats are prepared in our kitchen area.
Attached to our inside facility is RNSFC’s outdoor playground space. Children can practice large motor skills on our prominent climber, hone muscles on a variety of ride on toys, jump on trampolines, and exert energy on a wide choice of other outdoor equipment. For more sedentary outdoor experiences children can engage in dramatic play at the ice cream shop window or in the crooked playhouse, observe outdoor life under rocks and stumps, pick goodies from our organic garden, collect water from our rain barrel, or build a bench with large outdoor blocks to sit on and chat with friends.
Additionally, a large room located in the lobby of the main building, along with our indoor equipment is available for exercising large muscles in inclement weather.