The Riverdale Nursery School’s open-ended curriculum is designed to nourish the development of the whole child. Interdisciplinary and multi-sensory experiences place emphasis on invention, creativity and imagination. Integral to the goals of our school are experimentation and exploration, wherein children learn to be problem solvers, curiosity seekers and risk takers in an atmosphere of encouragement and support. A wide range of materials and a variety of activities, designed both by the teacher and in response to the children’s interests, build upon the unique potential of each child. Individualized attention is given to each child to ensure that they have broad exposure to concept and skill building activities. Group activities facilitate socialization and provide opportunities for positive peer interaction.

- To maintain a caring environment that fosters positive self-esteem and a sense of security, acceptance and belonging
- To guide and nurture conceptual knowledge and openness to ideas
- To scaffold children’s learning to develop their potential
- To facilitate higher-level thinking skills and critical thinking
- To further the development of social interaction and resolution skills
- To become socially responsive and responsible
- To provide opportunities for physical development
Early Birds
Children can participate in the Early Bird Program from 8am – 9am. One, two, three, four or five days per week. An RNSFC staff member supervises breakfast (brought from home) and playtime for children who need to begin their day a bit earlier. Early Bird drop-off is also available on as needed basis for $15 per hour.
A nutritious snack and lunch are served for the threes and fours classes. However, parents can send a lunch to school if preferred. *It is very important to inform the Director about any food allergies your child may have.
The RNSFC Later Gators Program offers a unique afterschool experience for children ages 3 to 5. The program is created and facilitated by talented and experienced early childhood educators. Children participate in open play time, special activities and outdoor time. A healthy snack is served. Flexible enrollment options available. *Ask about fees
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Children can participate in the Early Bird Program from 8am – 9am. One, two, three, four or five days per week. An RNSFC staff member supervises breakfast (brought from home) and playtime for children who need to begin their day a bit earlier. Early Bird drop-off is also available on as needed basis for $15 per hour.
A nutritious snack and lunch are served for the threes and fours classes. However, parents can send a lunch to school if preferred. *It is very important to inform the Director about any food allergies your child may have.
The RNSFC Later Gators Program offers a unique afterschool experience for children ages 3 to 5. The program is created and facilitated by talented and experienced early childhood educators. Children participate in open play time, special activities and outdoor time. A healthy snack is served. Flexible enrollment options available. *Ask about fees
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Riverdale Nursery School and Family Center follows DOE and DOH Covid guidelines.